Unusual Employee Perks that Make Companies Stand Out

In an increasingly competitive hiring environment, you need to impress recruits just as much as they need to prove themselves to you. If a bare bones employee perks and benefits package and industry-standard salary isn’t enough to attract and retain top talent, what can you do to make your company stand out?

Check out the 4 unique perks many successful companies offer to sweeten the deal for the cream of the crop.

1. Bringing Everyday Tasks to the Office
Office life is stressful. On top of the day-to-day responsibilities of their jobs, employees have to juggle personal and work-related errands. One way companies can relieve the pressure on staff is offering services such as dry cleaning pickup and delivery, in-office lunches, on-site yoga, and even oil changes.

There’s a direct benefit to companies – these time-saving services free up employees from personal life distractions. Employee perks like these are particularly attractive to Gen X and Millennial employees, who highly value work-life balance.

2. Transportation Assistance
Sometimes, the commute is the worst part of a job. Many companies are easing the daily grind by subsidizing or completely covering the cost and logistics of getting to and from work. Car service Lyft offers employees Lyft credits and commute reimbursements, Google shuttles its employees from the Bay Area to its Mountain View campus, and D.C.-based Summit LLC incentivizes employees to bike to work by covering the bill for a local bike sharing service.

3. Pet Care and Insurance
While employees with families may put a premium on childcare and maternity/paternity-related perks, some workers without children value perks for their fur-babies. More companies have started including pet insurance contributions and/or on-site pet daycare in their perks and benefits packages.

4. Employee Appreciation
This last one may seem like a no-brainer, but that doesn’t make it any less important. As Justin Bariso wrote in a recent Inc.com article, giving praise where it’s due is a highly effective motivational and retention tool. Employees want to know when their efforts are valued. Managers who highlight a job well done can greatly increase workplace satisfaction and staff loyalty.

Employee perks for recruitment and retention efforts don’t have to be difficult and expensive, but they need to be effective and make employees genuinely grateful to be with their companies. Make sure your perks and benefits package includes a mix of thoughtful and practical extras that help to improve people’s lives.