Name: Michal Perconte
Michal Perconte
How long at Fooda: 10 months

Job Title: Restaurant Sales Team Lead

What do you really do?
As a team lead, not only does Michal find and sign up new restaurants for his designated market (Los Angeles), but he also calls and enrolls restaurants in all the other active Fooda cities (LA, NY, ATL, Boston and Philly). Michal‘s gregarious personality and hardworking attitude lead to a promotion as Team Lead, shortly after starting with Fooda as a Restaurant Sales Representative. Michal is a firm believer in the Fooda products and it comes across in each of his conversations with the restaurants.

What is your favorite thing about your job?
“When I can tell a restaurant is excited. I love when they ask questions like ‘how many times a week can I do this? And what are the next steps?’ It’s music to my ears and, tells me right off the bat when a restaurant is going to be a great partner.”

What is the most challenging part about your job?
“Restaurant owners and managers don’t necessarily work 9-5 and if they do, they generally aren’t sitting behind a computer the whole time.” Michal has to be strategic when getting a hold of his restaurant partners knowing that their schedules are much different than his. He says, “They usually have a lot going on and are moving around, so I have to be creative when trying to connect with them.”

What is your favorite thing about working at Fooda?
“I just love the products that we sell and find them to be extremely cool and useful.” Everyone around Michal knows he is a big supporter of the product. Every day he orders from Fooda Select, the in-office delivery program. He orders lunch from the rotating restaurant and a fruit cup from the classics restaurant for his 3PM snack. Team members don’t need to look at a clock to know that the citrusy smell means it is 3PM snack time.

Favorite Restaurant Partner
“Favorite restaurant I’ve signed is Falafel Corner in LA. My favorite to eat is Honky Tonk BBQ in Chicago.”

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:
Vanilla yogurt with hot fudge, Oreo crumbles and Reese’s Pieces. Michal is 6’5 and 195 lbs., so basically he can eat whatever he wants!

Favorite Karaoke Song:
Lose Yourself by Eminem
Square Dance by Eminem
…Both of which Michal can rattle off on command without lyrics or backup music.

Michal’s most used phrase:
“That fires me up!”